Saturday 26 April 2014


When I first started my adventures in travel blog in 2012 I thought it would encourage me to get out and explore more of what my province had to offer. I had originally planned to post a new blog at least once a month. Due to a lot of personal issues that had happened in 2012 I wasn't able to get out as much. In 2013, I had actually gone to a few festivals - but alas by the time I was ready to blog about where I had gone, the festivals were already over, and it didn't make sense to write about a festival when my followers couldn't attend. I had even thought about posting blogs regarding what to consider when planning a vacation. In fairness I actually did post 1 blog about how to choose the right tour company for you. I then had planned to compare three different tour company's and how each company was different  and what they offered their passengers. But I realized I had never been on tour with any of the companies I was going to write about. To me that seems a bit hypocritical , to inform people about a company(s) when you haven't actually used them. 

2014 is shaping up to be a good season. This past week I have already been on 2 different adventures. The first one I went on was a bus tour with Great Canadian Tours. The other was to a small local museum. Both of which I will write about in 2 separate entries. 

With that being said it is only fair to mention that I am now working in one of my dream jobs - which is to be a travel advisor. The other dream jobs that I am working towards is becoming a professional travel blogger/writer and photographer; Which I have started working towards. I would also like to host tours - don't confuse that with a tour guide they are completely different. A tour guide leads passengers on tours that can range from a couple of days to multiple days. The tour guide is also in-charge of making sure that all land arrangements, tours, sightseeing and accommodations are provided and the tour stays on schedule. Being a tour host is well simply a host, and make sure that everyone in the group is having a good time.

Let the adventures of 2014 begin!!!!

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