Wednesday 7 August 2013

Thinking of going away

             Your thinking of going away for vacation and you want something different besides lying on a beach, you want to get out and explore what the world has to offer. Do you know where to start? This month I am going talk to you about 4 different tour operators that you can choose from. I will tell you about Trafalgar Tours, Collette Vacations, Transat Holidays and, Contiki*. What questions you should ask yourself before choosing a tour, what you need to know about choosing a tour operator, the different tours they offer how they differ from each other. When you go away on vacation it is an investment of your hard earned money, and let’s face it with so many tour operators out there, you want to make sure that you get what you paid for. You can’t hold it see it or take it for a test drive before making the purchase. Being well informed, asking the right questions, knowing your budget and what you want to see and do  will help make choosing the right tour operator that much easier.
              Where to begin:
              Make a list and ask yourself a few important questions
  Where do we want to go – research different places that interest you and your travel companions: Google, travel magazines, and travel agents, friends and family.  They all hold a wealth of information
              What is my price range – tours can vary in price, so having a set budget per person is a great way to narrow things down.
  When do we want to go away - things to consider are: will the schools be on break ie reading week, march break, Easter break, Christmas break etc. Remember each country has holidays at different times of the year. What will the weather be like in the country that I choose to visit
              What do we want to do and see – there are many options to choose from, do you want an educational vacation, wine and food tours, cruise, a historical vacation, an adventure tour, an eco-friendly tour, a slower relaxed pace vacation, local national or international tours.
              Who will be coming with me - is it just you, you and a friend, a group of friends  or do you have a family with children what are their interests.
       What documents do I need – when traveling to different countries you need to have a valid passport and or visa, some places even might require you to get vaccinations.  Will I need a letter of consent (required with children and parents are separated or children are traveling with someone other than legal guardians)
        These are just some of the questions that you should ask yourself when choosing a vacation.
Please note that I do not work for any tour company nor do I recommend one over the other.

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