Thursday 30 August 2012


It has taken me a long time to figure out what career I wanted to pursue. In 2009 I finally found my calling, it was to work in the Travel and Tourism Industry. I studied travel and tourism at triOS College in Kitchener and graduated in 2010 on the Deans Honour List. I received my TICO License which allows you to sell travel products. Upon completion I could hardly wait to work in a travel agency. I love talking to people and sharing travel stories and adventures. I quickly came to realize that I was not suited to work in a Travel Agency, it was not filling my need for adventure in the Travel Industry.

I had no idea what to do. I love travel and adventure meeting different people and sharing different travel stories and seeing pictures where others have travelled. I soon became frustrated because I knew I wanted to be involved in this multi-billion dollar industry, but I didn't know how; I then started thinking that I have chosen the wrong path and I am not meant to travel or have an exciting career, that I was just meant to work wherever with my head down and struggle to make ends meet. That had me questioning where am I going to live? I enjoy living in the city where I am now but I won't be able to afford living there for the rest of my life, do I move back to my hometown of Dundalk? Will I be happy living in Dundalk for the rest of my life? These two questions were racing through my mind, among others.

I decided that since my car needed an oil change I would go and stay with my parents in Dundalk for night, while I waited for my car to be done. After one night in Dundalk I realized its nice to visit for a few days but I would be miserable if I lived here. One question has been answered: Remain living in the city where you are. While I was there my parents had to show me a few things and talk to me about a few things as well. Both my parents know what inner struggles I have been facing regarding my future. My mom and dad showed me a book and not just any book; It was a book of poetry and in that book of poetry was a piece that I had written and not only was published but had won an award. This book had entrants from people all over the world and my poem was in the top 3 of being the best. I had completely forgotten that I had some of my poetry published! I smiled and remembered when I was younger how I used to write from poetry to screenplays. Later that night I was looking at a book of mine about the history of Scotland  and what did I find? I found a page from one of the screenplays that I was working on. When I read what I had written out loud to my mom I couldn't believe it.I had written this and it was so profound and professional; I don't know if any of you know how much description needs to go into writing a screenplay, but you need to write down point of views what each character is seeing smelling etc... It takes a lot of effort and the ability to write it down so that when a director is making the film he sees the vision the writer has and is able to bring it to life. That is very challenging.

Shortly after reading the small piece of the screen play, it hit me, I knew how I can still get to be a part of a multi-billion dollar industry, make a bit of money and travel, I could be a travel writer. Yes it is a very competitive industry, and the pay is few and far between unless you are able to write a book and sell thousands of copies. But I know I can do it.  I also thought I would write a blog, about all my adventures that I was having while I was travelling. Suddenly I started to feel depressed again, figuring I will never be able to get my blog up and going sharing where I have been and some of my pictures, because I can't afford to travel internationally. That had really shook me and I just sat down and became very frustrated with my whole situation, so I sat down watched TV for the night and went to bed feeling defeated. But when I woke this morning I had an amazing realization! I don't have to start travelling internationally to have adventures and go places to be a tourist and write short articles and have them published. I can start with going to different places that are in my own backyard, and by that I mean in my own city, my families hometown and province without spending a lot of money and work towards international travel writing. I also thought that I would start my blog with my travels that I will be taking around my own home.

Here is the first of what I hope will be many blogs about my adventures in the ever change world of travel. I will try to post something new every time I go to a place with some pictures and my thoughts of the day, and some pictures. I will not be able to write every day because I won't be travelling to a different place everyday. I will try to post once a week.

Thanks for reading my first blog and I hope to see you when my adventures bring me to your area.


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