Tuesday 20 October 2015

Summer Adventure Begins

On August 4, 2015 I woke up to a cloudy and misty day. This was not the weather I wanted to wake up to on the morning that would begin my summer adventure to Belgium. However the weather outside could not dampen my spirits, I was so excited that I would finally be going on my long planned trip to Europe - although it would be without my mom I knew she would be with me every step of the way in spirit.

After running a few errands in town, my dad and I were off to Toronto's Pearson International Airport where he would drop me off and I would of course wait anxiously to check in. After check in I made my way to terminal 3's premium lounge where I would be able to relax in big comfortable chairs that overlooked the runways. The plaza premium lounge also included free buffet drinks wonderful service, fellow travellers to converse with and free WiFi access so you could surf the net while you waited.   For more information on the Plaza Premium Lounge in Toronto click here. Using the services of the Plaza Premium Lounge helped make the time before boarding fly by and I would highly recommend this service to everyone who travels; I just wish  I had thought to take my camera out to take a few pictures to share with you.

Photo courtesy of Plaza Premium Lounge Toronto

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